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Thinking ahead - 색채디자인과 G.Maclaughlin 교수

등록일 2013년03월12일 00시00분 URL복사 프린트하기 쪽지신고하기
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색채디자인과 G.Maclaughlin 교수
As new students are arriving at Shingu College and older students are returning I'm struck by reflections of my own experiences in university and graduate school. I have wonderful memories of the time I spent studying, which is why I so enjoy seeing the students at Shingu busy day in and day out with their work. I have been asked to share a pertinent story from my own life that will ideally humanize this member of your illustrative faculty. I studied Fine Arts at the University of California Riverside and at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena California. The story I'd like to share comes from the end of my collegiate experience, though this may seem a strange time to share it with you. I am often encouraged by looking ahead.

The preparation for one of the artworks in my thesis exhibition required that I cut out a large number of rectangular squares from recycled cardboard. These would eventually be stacked together on a steel frame to create an homage to Tony Smith's sculpture "Smoke". This was something of an ambitious plan though, being that the large number of cardboard squares it would require was in fact stupendously large. I don't think I would have begun the project had I known at the start that it would require nearly 10,000 individual cardboard squares to cover 20 meters of structure. Thankfully I didn't shrink from the challenge, and in the week before I installed my artworks I began collecting and arduously cutting out the thousands of squares needed. It took seven 15 hour days of work to cut out the all cardboard, but in the end it was worth every bit the effort. The sculpture was a smashing success and the ambition of it impressed a gallery such that it was accepted into a group show at the Pacific Design Center in Melrose California. This sculpture along with the other artworks presented in my thesis exhibition, helped win me the prestigious Starr Scholar Fellowship at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, where I was able to spend a year as the visiting artist at the famous London art school.

I look back now on the long hours spent preparing my cardboard sculpture and think about the long hours you will spend in the coming year preparing for many different presentations, exhibitions and exams. You will of course find that there are limits to what you can do both mentally and physically, but I know from experience that they are further off than any of you truly know. As you look ahead I encourage you to strive in your work and studies to impress your peers and professors, but most importantly strive to surprise yourself. Do you really know what you can do? My experiences have been that whenever I overestimate my capabilities, I am pleasantly relieved to find that eventually they do catch up. Have a wonderful year
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